Shampoo Showdown: Supermarket vs Salon

We are often asked about this age-old dilemma. “There’s no difference between this and the stuff in the supermarket, right?”. Well there is. A big one. And we think that now is the time to speak up. Supermarket vs Salon, the big showdown! Let’s hear the myths and facts.

Myth: They have the same ingredients anyway.

Fact: They don’t. If they did, then we would stock and recommend them, and make loads more profit than we do! Whilst they state they have proteins, essential oils, and in some cases organic components, they are generally “bulked up” with detergents, and foaming agents to make your hair “squeaky clean”. Sure, they will clean your hair, and in a sense leave it slippy with a conditioner, but I’m afraid that generally that’s how far they go. Some even leave a build up on the hair shaft, which can play havoc with future colour services. You wouldn’t believe it until you have seen red hot foil packets swelling up with product dripping out… a scary reaction if we have ever seen one!

The ingredients in our Aveda Shampoo and Conditioner are 99% plant derived. Whilst natural, they are high-performance, and nourish both the hair and scalp. Each range targets a specific guest need, and the ingredients allow it to do that. We have a pure-scription method taught by Aveda to help identify needs in our guests, and recommend accordingly.

Myth: Salon Shampoo and Conditioners are much more expensive.

Fact: In a sense, yes they are. But think of it this way; While the initial outlay is definitely more, they do last a lot longer, which many guests comment balances out in the long run. Because our Aveda Shampoos and Conditioners are super-concentrated, only a tiny amount is needed. Even conditioner…and yes, even on your long thick hair.

Generally speaking, depending of course on how often you wash and condition your hair, a regular sized bottle of shampoo and conditioner should last at least three months if used correctly. Seriously! It’s all about protecting your investment. Why pay for a premium hair colour to literally wash it down the drain.

Myth: But this one is colour-protect. Surely it will keep my colour in?

Fact: It may, but is that a chance you want to take with your newly-coloured hair? We have had a guest return a week after a colour service, with heaps of fading. After re-colouring their hair, we have sent them away with Aveda’s Colour Conserve system. No more fading. Turns out it was the shampoo and conditioner stripping out the colour molecules.

Myth: All Hairdressers are trained to sell, and don’t care about anything else but the sale.

Fact: We can’t speak for all hairstylists, as some are like this. We aren’t all tarred with the same brush for no reason! However after some of us having worked in salons where the “hard sell” is encouraged, we actually hate it and train our apprentices NOT to be this way. Our products speak for themselves. It is our duty to recommend, give samples when available, but that is where we draw the line. In fact, at times we have STOPPED guests from buying unsuitable products for their hair type, and not taken the sale. We think this is a far more professional approach to hair care. Ask. Recommend. Sample. And leave it up to the guest.


So there you go! The Myths and Facts about Shampoo and Conditioner. These are just a few of the differences, but we thought it was a good starting point. Happy haircare! x x